Will LMHPCO continue to be involved in public policy?
- Yes. LMHPCO’s work on regulatory issues and compliance will continue just as it does now. LMHPCO will continue its productive work with regulatory partners and will continue to look at legislative issues and provide analysis. The difference is we now have an affiliate lobbying organization that will be able to take this agenda and make it heard more clearly and broadly in out State Capitols. Advocacy efforts of the Alliance will support and expand the public policy work done by LMHPCO.
Will there be additional costs to members to fund the Alliance?
- No. The work of the Alliance will support issues of importance to every one of us. This will be done without increasing your membership dues. LMHPCO will not take away from the funding currently going to our existing programs. The Alliance will be funded through donations coming from provider organizations in our field. All members have the opportunity to participate in the advocacy activities of the Alliance.
Can smaller organizations support the work of the Alliance?
- Yes. Financial contributions to support the work of the Alliance are needed from all providers. Those not supporting the Alliance through financial means can still contribute through participation in grassroots advocacy. Every one of you can play a part!
Can LMHPCO continue doing things just as it has in the past?
- No. For many years, the hospice industry has realied heavily upon grassroots efforts within the state legislatures. While grassroot efforts are always important, alone, those efforts are not enough. Hospice is recognized as an integral component of quality healthcare in this country. In order for us to strengthen out rightful place at the legislative table, our advocacy strategy must rise to the next level.
Will the funders guide the direction of the Alliance?
- No. While significant resources are needed to launch this comprehensive advocacy organization, those funding this program will not set the policy agenda. The LMHPCO Board of Directors is ultimately responsible for the policy agenda of the hospice community. The Alliance will focus on Lobbying, Access, Quality, and Educational issues.
Is the LMHPCO Board in support of this?
- Yes. The possibility of a new affiliate organization to serve hospice has been under discussion at the Board table for several years. The creation of the Alliance was approved by the LMHPCO Board of Directors.